Maximum Moisture 240ml
Maximum Moisture 240ml
Maximum Moisture body crème penetrates deep into the skin cells delivering moisture and nutrients to nourish and revitalise the skin from the inside out. The crème absorbs easily and with ingredients such as jojoba oil, enabling it to work at a cellular level to help hydration. Maximum Moisture is recommended for skin suffering from dryness and can help calm any red, itchy reactive areas anywhere on the body. Used alongside Hydra Louffa it can extend the life of a fake tan.
How to Apply: Apply over damp skin after a shower or bath or spray thoroughly with Herb & Mineral Mist before applying.
In order to purchase DMK skincare you will be required to have a skin assessment with one of our paramedical skin therapists.
If you have had your skin assessment and would like access to our online ordering portal please contact the clinic on 099889804 or email to be set up